with Heather Pierson @ Baked Bean Productions, Harrison, Maine
mixed and mastered by Alan Bean


Walked a line into you. It was a road I never knew.
At the turn I looked up quick
Headlights lost behind a light. I’m sick -
Knocked out behind a wall gone dark -
On knees.
I feel you in this dark around me
Where lines cross is where I finally see.
So wrap your arms around me
Pick me up and dust me off
Hold me and let the evening fall ----- down
behind the mountain wall
Take me with you to the wild
Where we can feel so small
So lost against the land
That we
Don’t need
To know why.
Sweet peace
Drops and rushes down our necks and arms.
Tumbles over rocks and branches
And crashes into the little places
Where nothing needs to be resolved.